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Monday 4 May 2015

Portofolio Aplikasi Mc Farlan

Matrik yang dikembangkan oleh Mc Farlan [MC FARLAN 1984] ini dipakai untuk analisis semua aplikasi yang telah ada, yang direncanakan, dan potensial kedalam 4 (empat) kategori. Susunan kategori berdasarkan tingkat kepentingan suatu aplikasi pada organisasi saat ini dan masa datang. Sebuah aplikasi dapat ditetapkan sebagi strategichigh potentialkey operational, atau support tergantung kontribusi yang diharapkan pada organisasi.

The strategic grid model is an IT specific model that can be used to assess the nature of the projects that the IT organization has in its portfolio with the aim of seeing how well that portfolio supports the operational and strategic interests of the firm.

The CIO plots projects and systems from the IT organization’s portfolio on a two dimensional graph.  The X axis represents impact of the project on IT strategy.  One way of expressing what we mean by this is: what options does this project offer the firm by way of affecting one of Porter’s five forces in our favor?   Does it change the nature of competition in our market, affect the bargaining power of buyers or suppliers, raise or lower the barriers to entry into our market, or change switching costs for our products and services?  Does it enable us to offer completely new products and services, or enable us to substitute one of ours for one of someone else’s in the eyes of their customers?

The Y axis represents the impact of the project on IT operations.   One way of expressing this is to say that projects that are high on this axis improve the efficiency or quality of our existing systems and business processes, or lower their costs.
Aplikasi yang sangat diperlukan untuk menunjang kinerja strategi bisnis masa depan.
Aplikasi yang mungkin penting dalam mencapai sukses dimasa depan
Aplikasi yang dibutuhkan organisasi bisnis agar dapat sukses
Aplikasi yang berharga namun bukan penunjang utama untuk organisasi agar sukses.
Tabel 1. Matrik portofolio aplikasi Mc Farlan [Ward, 1996]

Another way to think about the two axes is in relation to Argyris’ organizational learning styles: single loop and double loop learning. Impact on operational ability is like single loop learning: incremental process improvements on what we already do.   Impact on strategy is like double loop learning: look for a completely new process.

Mc Farlan divides the grid made by these axes into four quadrants:
  • Support: low operational impact, low strategic impact. This quadrant is about local process improvements for individual users.
  • Factory: high operational impact, low strategic impact. This quadrant is about operational improvements that affect large portions of the firm, and are aimed at improving performance or decreasing cost.
  • Turnaround: low operational impact, high strategic impact. This quadrant is about exploiting new technologies to provide strategic opportunities.
  • Strategic: high operational impact, high strategic impact. IT organizations that have most projects in this quadrant understand that IT can both improve core operations of the firm while simultaneously generating strategic options.
Model ini memberikan pola pandang yang efektif terhadap aplikasi yang tersedia dan yang dibutuhkan organisasi dari segi pandang yang berbeda dari manajemen senior, manajer lini unit bisnis, dan staf Sistem informasi/Teknologi Informasi. Setelah menyamakan persepsi, organisasi merencanakan apa yang akan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan portofolio aplikasi yang dibutuhkan tersebut.



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